1. How to quickly change the text case
Sometimes you accidentally press CAPS LOCK, and then you realize that you need to type everything all over again. But there’s actually a simple way out. Just select the text and press Shift + F3. The case will quickly change from upper to lower.
2. How to see the text structure
If your text is long, it’s more convenient to look for the key parts if you can see its structure. Tapping the structure’s elements, you can easily manage the text, hiding and showing its parts. To use this mode, press View and then Outline.
3. How to translate the text at once
MS Word has a pretty good built-in Bing translator. Maybe Google translate works better, but if you simply want to understand what’s written in the document, Bing is a nice variant for your everyday needs. Its biggest advantage is that you don’t have to be torn between your browser and Word. And a nice bonus: Bing has options. You can either translate all the text, a selected part, or just one word.
4.How to quickly insert the date and time
There’s nothing difficult about this trick: to add the date, you just press Shift + Alt + D. The same works with time, but there you should press Shift + Alt + T.
5. How to create a screenshot in one click
Sometimes you may need to take a screenshot and insert it into MS Word. All you need to do is choose the Insert tab and press Screenshot. After that Word will automatically show you all the active windows.
6. How to hide the text
This trick will be useful for those who need to temporarily hide a certain piece of information. This feature can also help you to leave comments which you won’t confuse with the rest of the text. Just select the piece of text you need to hide, press Ctrl + D, and check the Hidden box. Now nobody sees your text, but you know that it’s there!
7. How to coedit a document
In Microsoft Word, starting with version 2013, you can simultaneously work with a document in collaboration with other authors, and even respond to their comments on the text. You can find all the options you need if you press the Review tab. This feature will make your collaboration fast and simple!
8. How to put accents on letters
Sometimes you need a letter with an accent mark, and it’s a real problem for most people because it takes a lot of time to find the accent you need. Here’s a list of the most popular accents (L = letter you need):
À — Ctrl+`, L
Á — Ctrl+’, L
 — Ctrl+Shift+^, L
à — Ctrl+Shift+~, L
Ä — Ctrl+Shift+:, L
Sometimes you need a letter with an accent mark, and it’s a real problem for most people because it takes a lot of time to find the accent you need. Here’s a list of the most popular accents (A = letter you need):
À — Ctrl+`, A
Á — Ctrl+’, A
 — Ctrl+Shift+^, A
à — Ctrl+Shift+~, A
Ä — Ctrl+Shift+:, A
9. How to edit PDF files
To edit PDF files, you don’t need an Adobe Reader or other resources. If you have Word 2013 and later versions, it can be as easy as using Adobe Reader. Just open a document and start working!
10. How to start typing anywhere in the document
Few people know that you don’t necessarily need to press ’Enter’ a hundred times to start a new paragraph and leave some space before it. Just double click anywhere in the document, and your typing cursor will be placed exactly where you want it. MS Word will automatically insert the lines and spaces.
11. How to quickly navigate through the document
There are a number of combinations which can simplify the navigation within a large document. This will save you from scrolling up and down trying to find the place you need.
Ctrl + Alt + Page Up — go back to the previous page;
Ctrl + Alt + Page Down — go to the next page;
Ctrl + Home — return to the top of the document;
Ctrl + End — go to the very end of it.