Global warming is a serious threat for all the living creatures, because of the extreme atmospheric temperatures and pollution affected on the planets’ land, water and air. The feedback relationship between social systems and nature has destabilized by the expansion of human activities. The increases of the carbon dioxide (CO2) and the emission of infectious gasses in atmosphere like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen destroy the ozone and create the Greenhouse phenomenon. The oceans are warming up, icebergs are melting, many areas are susceptible to mega droughts, the intensity and the frequency of storms increases, many species are in danger and human society is directly affected by health and financial economic hazards.
Our precarious ecosystem can be characterized by the total complex of relationships between all the organisms and their physical environment. Nature is manipulated and changes to supply material bases for industrial, agriculture, sulfur dioxide and other economic activities. Industrial emission of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, methane and the oxides of nitrogen in atmosphere create the greenhouse phenomenon (2003). B.A.Melvin the author of the book “Our precarious Habitat” emphasized that the most recognized infectious are the familiar products of combustion carbon, monoxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, hydrocarbons and particulates (1989, p400). According to John Tydall, all gasses are infrared radiation and after they emitted into the atmosphere, they are transformed into surface or nitrate particles and by the subsequent contract and combination with water vapor are transformed into sulfric and nitric acids and return to earth as acidic dew, drizzle, fog, sleet, snow and rain (1989: 407-408). Acidic rain and highly acidic water bellow pH 5.5 infect the water of the rivers and oceans. The most of carbon dioxide is absorbing by the oceans. Twenty two millions tons of carbon dioxide is absorbing every day by the oceans and is changing the chemistry of seawater and causing the oceans to become more acidic. They are warming up and they tend to lose big amount of oxygen. New study reveals that acidic waters are moving into shallow areas and are eating away at the shells and skeletons of starfish, coral and clams (Temperature Gauge. Earth Island Journal, Autumn2008 Vol.23 Issue 3 p16-16p;). The most serious of all effects is that the reduction of photosynthesis in plankton the basis of the oceans food chain (1989: 420-424). The sea animals suffocate and migrate to the cooler waters, female fish fail to reproduce (1989: 411) and Hawaiian monk seal is in danger of starvation (Troubled waters. By: Knoblauch, Jessica I.E.-The Environment magazine, Sep/Oct2008, Vol.19 Issue 5,p16-18)
Lothan Stramma of the University of Kiel, in German reveals that the oxygen levels in the oceans are decreasing furthermore the depletion of oxygen is very dangerous for all the sea animals. Steven J.Bograd an oceanographer, recently contact research on dropping oxygen levels near California. He emphasized that an expansion of oxygen minimum zones has important ecosystems implications. As the low oxygen areas increase habitats gets smaller until species suffocate move to another region or adapt. The expansion could be deadly for other species as jumbo squid are vicarious predators. It could be a change in the community structure of local ecosystem (Troubled waters. By: Knoblauch, Jessica I.E.-The Environment magazine, Sep/Oct2008, Vol.19 Issue 5, p16-18)
Because of the global warming ice sheets are melting and permafrost is thawing. Icebergs and the ice content of the permafrost are important to future climate impacts because the loss of ground ice can have consequences for the ecosystem. Thawing permafrost the underground water can thaw and move tons of previously frozen ground. It can also causes lakes to evacuate and create thermokarst witch is unique result of permafrost thawing and can have large consequences for ecosystem cycling. Thermokarst terrain develops when ground ices melt and the remaining soil collapses into the space earlier occupied by ice. Because surface moss organic soil has also insulate underlying permafrost. Changes in frequency or features of this layer can also affect the ground heat fluidness. As a result of ice sheets melt many areas, rivers and oceans are erosion and the sea level is increased. A recent study maintains that because of global warming and ice melting the intensity and frequency of storms and flooding has increase producing enormous and catastrophically waves (Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. By: Schuur; etc; Sep2008, Vol. 58 Issue 8, p701-714;). Marine species in Antarctica such as giant sea spiders, sea urchins and corals, face new risk as icebergs tear up the ocean flow. Polar bears are starving and their population decreases every year (Temperature Gauge. Earth Island Journal, Autumn2008 Vol.23 Issue 3 p16-16p;).
Another result of global warming has been expressed in the form of increased cloudiness, latent heat fluxes and more frequent climate extremes. Higher temperatures and climate changes, force water levels reducing. According to recent study many areas are more sensitive to mega droughts because of Long periods in which there was not enough rain and there would be not chance to fill again the artificial lakes. Less rain means reduced ability to recharge the reservoirs. Higher springtime temperatures will evaporate mountain snowpack before it has a chance to run off to the rivers and increases the amount of water that evaporates off the giant lakes like Lakes Mead and Powell (Climate Change Threatens to Dry Up the Southwest’s Futures. By: Mark, Jason. Earth Island Journal, Autumn2008, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p34-40;). Without water agricultures destroy many areas are devastate. With the increases of soil temperature and without water, the vital microorganisms needed for plant growth are destroyed. Particularly affected are the nitrogen-fixing bacterial, without witch the plant cannot complete its manufacture of food (Weart R.Spenser. ”The Discovery of Global warming”. Harvard University press: 2003).Drought condition in combination with warmer temperatures are vary dangerous for forest because are flammable. Fires destroy thousand hectors of earth and can burn upland and wetland ecosystems (Vulnerability of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Change: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle. By: Schuur; etc; Sep2008, Vol. 58 Issue 8, p701-714;).
Human society is directly affected by health and financial hazards imputed to air and water pollution, meteorological conditions and waters deficiency. The effects of air pollution on human health has become from acute exposures and are shortness of breath, coughing and nausea, cardiovascular diseases, chronic illness of the hurt and lungs eye nose and threat irritations (1989:400-402). The incidence of skin cancer increases dramatically as cataracts and blindness too. Unusual pollution increases the mortality in habitants of Belgium, London, Do nova, Pennsylvania at 1930-1952. Acute episodes and accidents have consolidated the relationship between air pollution, illness and death (1989:405-406). ((Universal Organization for health warn that because of the high temperatures and the water pollution tropical sickness like malaria and fever, increases and hundred of thousand people are dying)). ((Weather disasters reached a terrible peak of starving millions and bringing on mass migrations.))
Emission of industries and human activities that harm the ozone layer, create acid rain or contribute to global climate change, come from large number of states. People realized the danger of the global warming and try to find new sources and sink of greenhouse gasses. Global warming and weather disasters drive governments and organizations to organize and try to find new resources. They threat with validations and sign protocols for decrease emissions in atmosphere and decide to operate and exchange knowledge and results for the world future. The framework Conversion on climate change requires that countries have to provide “new and additional financial resources” The passage to solar, wind, hydro and biomass energy sources can be used more efficiently (2001:207). United Nation Environment Program (UNEC) provides information about environmental quality and finances the protection of tropical forests and wildlife conservation. According to Pamela S.Chacek, environmental organizations such as Friend of the Earth, Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defenses Council, publish studies, holding conferences, educate the public and policy makers and trying to sensitize them to be more meticulous and recycling garbage like glass, paper, plastic and metals (2001:143).The Montreal Protocol on substances that depleted the ozone layer decides to contain donation and help countries to decrease emission in atmosphere deforestation. The Climate Action Network organized seminars, forums and meetings in order to exchange points of view and be more flexible (2001:145). Jeong Ho Won notes that a mode of action can be found in the environmental politics and policy making practiced by global civil society (2001:42-44).
Everyone can help to decrease emission in atmosphere and protect our planet from the catastrophe. Using ecological products that are friendly in the environment, recycling everything can recycle, using the buses or bicycles than cars, collaborate in this effort. Our precarious planet is in emergency and everyone has to understand the emerging tends and practices need to do for its protection. Planet Earth transmits SOS. Help before is too late.
· Weart R.Spenser. ”The Discovery of Global warming”. Harvard University press: 2003.
· Benard A.Melvin. ”Our Precious Habitat.” John Wiley+sons: 1989.
· Ed by Jeong Ho-Won. “Global Environmental Policies.”: institutions and procedures. Palgrave: 2001.